Life principle

Hello, my name is Mykola! I'm a 20-year-old web developer from Ukraine. I am convinced that every person should have his huge goal, for the sake of which he must work on himself and become better every day. People who follow their dream, despite the problems and failures, really change this world!


6th April 2018
Registered on online testing to Binary Studio Academy
  • want to test my knowledge and gain valuable experience
8th November 2017
Together with the team took first place in the student hackathon "Robotomania 2017"
  • was very glad to be able to take part in something interesting
1st September 2015
Еntered the university on the specialty "Computer Engineering"
  • had a goal to get good education and improve my skills in the IT sphere
March 2014
For the first time learned about programming in computer science lessons
12th July 2005
Got my first computer
  • played computer games a lot (especially CS 1.6)
  • got first experience with computer
1st September 2004
First time went to school
  • successfully learned how to read and write
9th February 1998
Born in Kirovohrad, Ukraine
  • my parents gave me name 'Mykola' in honor of my grandfather